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You're viewing Myst Cheat Codes

Game Name : Myst
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-07-08 21:20:01
Views : 25848

Hint :
Quick solution:
These steps will allow Myst to be completed in thirty minutes, without viewing the entire game.

Turn on all markers (marker switches to up positions and symbols to green). At the clock tower, rotate the small wheel twice and the large wheel eight to set the clock to 2:40. Cross the bridge and turn on the switch.
Return to the dock and turn off the marker switch (down position). Get the white page.
In the Library, look at the far right book on the middle shelf for the pattern for page 158.
Input the pattern on the door in the fireplace opening.
Save the game. Decide which ending to display and deliver the appropriate page.

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